Changes in the observing conditions or in the environment of the meteorological stations introduce anomalous perturbations in the data series (inhomogeneities). Therefore, homogenization is of paramount importance to obtain reliable analysis of the variability of climatological series, and there exists an extensive literature about the different methodologies applied so far (comprehensive reviews can be seen in Peterson et al., 1998, Aguilar et al., 2003 and Beaulieu et al., 2008). This allows climatologists to choose their preferred methods for their research, often implementing those methods by themselves. But some of them have made their developments available to other users by preparing and documenting ready to use computer packages and distributing them in the Internet or by other means. This is very interesting for operational climatology units of many National Meteorological and Hydrological Services around the world, that sometimes can lack the needed expertise to make their own developments, or else can devote the required time to other priorities.
The European Science Foundation, by means of the COST Office, funded the Action ES0601 («HOME», Advances in Homogenisation Methods of Climate Series: An Integrated Approach) that enabled the inter-comparison of many participating methodologies. Its final conference was held in Budapest during the last week of October 2011, and the results were summarized by Venema et al. (2011). However, and thanks to the discussions held in the frame of this Action, many methods improved their algorithms, and further work is needed to update the information about their performances. Current efforts include the International Surface Temperature Initiative, the Spanish project MULTITEST (for monthly series) and the European project INDECIS (for daily series).
The following tables summarize the main characteristics of currently available homogenization packages. (The first version was compiled thanks to several developers that replied to a survey, complemented by the information gathered from Venema et al., 2011.) After the publication of the Guidelines on homogenization some updates have been incorporated from developers or other sources.)
Package | Version | License | Open source | Operating System | Program type | Primary operation | Availability |
ACMANT | 4 | Freeware | No | DOS/Windows | Executable | Automatic | |
AnClim ProClimDB | ? | Freeware | No | Windows | Executable | Interactive (and automatic) | |
Climatol | 4.0.0 | GPL | Yes | (Most) | R package | Automatic | and |
GAHMDI HOMAD | ? | GPL | Yes | (Most) | R source R/Fortran | Automatic Interactive |
mail to andrea.toreti at |
GSIMCLI | 0.0.1 | GPL | Yes | (Most) | Python | Automatic (and interactive) | |
HOMER | 2.6 | GPL | Yes | (Most) | R source | Interactive | |
MASH | 3.03 | Freeware | No | DOS/Windows | Executable | Automatic (and interactive) | |
ReDistribution Test | ? | Freeware | Yes | (Most) | R source | Interactive | mail to predrag.petrovic at |
RHtests | 4 | Freeware | Yes | (Most) | R source | Interactive | |
USHCN | 52i | Freeware | Yes | Some linux versions | Fortran source | Automatic | |
Package | GUI | Time resolution | Input format | Metadata use | Detection method | Ref. series selection | Detection statistic | Climatic variables |
ACMANT | No | Monthly & daily | ASCII | No | Reference | Correlation | Caussinus-Lyazrhi | Temperature and precipitation |
AnClim ProClimDB | Yes | Any | ASCII DBF | Yes | Ref. and pairwise | Correlation & distance | Several | Any |
Climatol | No | Monthly & daily | ASCII | Yes | Reference | Distance | SNHT | Any |
No | Monthly Daily |
ASCII | Yes | Pairwise | Correlation | New method | Any Temperature |
GSIMCLI | Yes | Monthly & yearly | ASCII | No | Multiple references | Correlation & distance | User defined | Any |
HOMER | No | Monthly | ASCII | Yes | Pairwise | Correlation | Penalized Likelihood | Any |
MASH | No | Monthly & daily | ASCII | Yes | Multiple references | Correlation | MLR & Hypothesis test | Any |
ReDistribution Test | No | Sub-daily | ASCII | No | Distribution | None | SNHT-like | Wind speed and direction |
RHtests | Yes | Monthly & daily | ASCII | Yes | Reference | Correlation | Penalized max and regular F or t tests | Any |
USHCN | No | Monthly | ASCII | Yes | Pairwise | Correlation | SNHT | Temperature |
Outputs | ||||||||
Package | Correction method | Missing data tolerance | Max. number of series | Homogenized series | Corrected outliers | Corrected breaks | Graphics | Documentation |
ACMANT | ANOVA | Very high | 4000 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | User's guide |
AnClim ProClimDB | Several | User defined | ? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Manuals |
Climatol | Missing data filling | Very high | 9999* | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | User's guide |
GAHMDI HOMAD | ? | ? | ? | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | None | GSIMCLI | User-defined & missing data filling | High | 9999* | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Manuals |
HOMER | ANOVA | 15 year data | ? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | User's guide |
MASH | Multiple comparisons | 30% | 500 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | User's guide |
ReDistribution Test | None | 10-20% | ? | No | No | Detected breaks | No | None |
RHtests | Multi-phase regression | ? | 1 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | User's guide |
USHCN | Multiple comparisons | Very high | 9999* | Yes | ? | Yes | No | Plain text notes |
Explanatory notes and other characteristics:
Aguilar E, Auer I, Brunet M, Peterson TC, Wieringa J (2003): Guidelines on climate metadata and homogenization. WCDMP-No. 53, WMO-TD No. 1186. World Meteorological Organization, Geneve.
Beaulieu C, Seidou O, Ouarda TBMJ, Zhang X, Boulet G, Yagouti A (2008): Intercomparison of homogenization techniques for precipitation data. Water Resour. Res., 44, 20 pp.
Peterson TC, Easterling DR, Karl TR, Groisman P, Nicholls N, Plummer N, Torok S, Auer I, Böhm R, Gullett D, Vincent L, Heino R, Tuomenvirta H, Mestre O, Szentimrey T, Salinger J, Førland E, Hanssen-Bauer I, Alexandersson H, Jones P, Parker D (1998): Homogeneity Adjustments of 'In Situ' Atmospheric Climate Data: A Review. Int. J. Climatol., 18:1493-1518.
Venema V, Mestre O, Aguilar E, Auer I, Guijarro JA, Domonkos P, Vertacnik G, Szentimrey T, Stepanek P, Zahradnicek P, Viarre J, Müller-Westermeier G, Lakatos M, Williams CN, Menne M, Lindau R, Rasol D, Rustemeier E, Kolokythas K, Marinova T, Andresen L, Acquaotta F, Fratianni S, Cheval S, Klancar M, Brunetti M, Gruber C, Prohom Duran M, Likso T, Esteban P and Brandsma T (2012): Benchmarking homogenization algorithms for monthly data. Clim. of the Past, 8:89-115.